Enlargement of Lymph Nodes
1 Generalized adenopathy means involvement of how many noncontiguous lymph node areas ?
A. One or more
B. Two or more
C. Three or more
D. Four or more
2 Which of the following is a cause of generalized lymphadenopathy ?
B. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
C. Mixed connective tissue disease
D. All of the above
3 Occipital lymphadenopathy accompanies which of the following ?
A. Scalp infection
B. Ear infection
C. Conjunctival infections
D. Tooth infection
4 Preauricular lymphadenopathy accompanies which of the following ?
A. Scalp infection
B. Ear infection
C. Conjunctival infections
D. Tooth infection
5 Most frequent site of regional lymphadenopathy is ?
A. Axilla
B. Neck
C. Groin
D. Abdominal
6 Which of the following about lymphadenopathy is false ?
A. Most frequent site of regional lymphadenopathy is neck
B. Enlargement of supraclavicular and scalene nodes is always abnormal
C. Virchow’s node is enlarged right supraclavicular node
D. Sarcoidosis can cause supraclavicular adenopathy
7 Metastases to supraclavicular nodes occur from ?
A. Lung
B. Breast
C. Testis
D. Any of the above
8 Which of the following is a cause of supraclavicular adenopathy ?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Sarcoidosis
C. Toxoplasmosis
D. All of the above
9 Benign lymphadenopathy is assumed when lymph node area is ?
A. < 0.25 cm2
B. < 0.50 cm2
C. < 0.75 cm2
D. < 1.00 cm2
10 Tenderness of lymph node is due to ?
A. Inflammation of capsule
B. Rupture of capsule
C. Stretching of capsule
D. All of the above
11 Which of the following is not a characteristic of enlarged lymph nodes in lymphoma ?
A. Discrete
B. Asymmetric
C. Rubbery
D. Nontender
12 Which of the following is characteristic of enlarged lymph nodes in metastatic cancer ?
A. Hard
B. Nonmovable
C. Nontender
D. All of the above
13 Which parameter is used in ultrasonography of cervical nodes for distinguishing benign from malignant nodes ?
A. Area
B. Volume
C. Ratio of long to short axis (L / S ratio)
D. Sonodensity
14 Winterbottom’s sign is a classic finding of ?
A. Giardiasis
B. Toxoplasmosis
C. Human African Trypanosomiasis
D. Balantidiasis
15 In Winterbottom’s sign, location of lymph node enlargement is ?
A. Axilla
B. Posterior cervical triangle
C. Submental
D. Inguinal
16 Romana’s sign is a feature of ?
A. Acute Chagas’ disease
B. Cutaneous leishmaniasis
C. Visceral leishmaniasis
D. Babesiosis
17 Enlarged, grayish yellow or orange tonsils are pathognomonic of ?
A. Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia
B. Polycythemia vera
C. Wolman disease
D. Tangier disease