Disorders of Absorption
1 Intestinal absorption is increased in ?
A. Cirrhosis
B. Jejunal diverticulosis
C. Hemochromatosis
D. Crohn’s disease
2 Intestinal absorption is increased in ?
A. Cirrhosis
B. Jejunal diverticulosis
C. Wilson’s disease
D. Crohn’s disease
3 Steatorrhea is defined as an increase in stool fat excretion of how much of dietary fat intake ?
A. > 2 %
B. > 4 %
C. > 5 %
D. > 6 %
4 Malabsorption disorder not associated with steatorrhea is ?
A. Primary lactase deficiency
B. Celiac sprue
C. Abetalipoproteinemia
D. Intestinal lymphangiectasia
5 Malabsorption disorder not associated with steatorrhea is ?
A. Tropical sprue
B. Celiac sprue
C. Pernicious anemia
D. Bacterial overgrowth syndrome
6 In a western-type diet, diarrhea as a sign is a quantitative increase in stool water or weight of ?
A. > 100 - 200 gram / day
B. > 200 - 225 gram / day
C. > 300 - 425 gram / day
D. > 400 - 500 gram / day
7 Which of the following diarrhea would undoubtedly cease during a prolonged fast ?
A. Enterotoxin-induced traveler’s diarrhea
B. Primary lactase deficiency
C. VIPoma
D. All of the above
8 Stool osmolality is ?
A. 250 mosmol/kg H2O
B. 275 mosmol/kg H2O
C. 300 mosmol/kg H2O
D. 325 mosmol/kg H2O
9 Fecal osmotic gap is calculated as ?
A. 90 - 2([Na+] + [K+])
B. 190 - 2([Na+] + [K+])
C. 290 - 2([Na+] + [K+])
D. 390 - 2([Na+] + [K+])
10 The lengths of the small intestine and colon are ?
A. ~200 cm and ~50 cm, respectively
B. ~250 cm and ~70 cm, respectively
C. ~300 cm and ~80 cm, respectively
D. ~400 cm and ~100 cm, respectively
11 Effective functional surface area of intestines is about how many times greater than that of a hollow tube ?
A. 200 times
B. 400 times
C. 600 times
D. 800 times
12 Intestinal mucosa synthesizes & secretes which of the following immunoglobulin ?
A. Secretory IgA
B. Secretory IgG
C. Secretory IgM
D. Secretory IgE
13 Daily salivary, gastric, pancreatic, biliary, and intestinal fluid amounts to ?
A. 3 to 4 L/day
B. 5 to 6 L/day
C. 6 to 7 L/day
D. 7 to 8 L/day
14 Which of the following statements is false ?
A. Villi are present in small intestine & colon
B. Nutrient digestion & absorption occurs in small intestine but not in colon
C. Digestive hydrolytic enzymes are present in brush border of villus epithelial cells
D. Secretory function is present in crypts of both small & large intestine
15 Na+, K+ - ATPase in the Na+ pump is located on ?
A. Apical membrane
B. Basolateral membrane
C. Basomedial membrane
D. All of the above
16 Transport protein SGLT is located on ?
A. Apical membrane
B. Basolateral membrane
C. Basomedial membrane
D. All of the above
17 Which of the following about bile acids is false ?
A. Primary bile acids are synthesized in liver from cholesterol
B. Secondary bile acids are synthesized from primary bile acids
C. Cholic & deoxycholic acids are primary bile acids
D. Lithocholic acid is a secondary bile acid
18 What quantity of bile acids are synthesized in liver every day ?
A. 200 mg
B. 300 mg
C. 400 mg
D. 500 mg
19 Primary functions of bile acids is ?
A. To promote bile flow
B. To solubilize cholesterol & phospholipid in gall bladder
C. To enhance dietary lipid digestion & absorption
D. All of the above
20 Bile acids are primarily absorbed “actively” in ?
A. Duodenum
B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
D. Colon
21 Secondary bile acids are formed in ?Harrison’s 18th Ed. 2462
A. Duodenum
B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
D. Colon
22 The bile acid pool size is approximately ?
A. 4 grams
B. 8 grams
C. 12 grams
D. 16 grams
23 How many times bile acid pool is circulated via enterohepatic circulation ?
A. 2 to 4 times / day
B. 4 to 6 times / day
C. 6 to 8 times / day
D. 8 to 12 times / day
24 Daily bile acids excretion in stool (fecal loss) equals ?
A. Half of total fat intake
B. Half of enterohepatic circulation
C. Hepatic bile acid synthesis
D. None of the above
25 Small ileal dysfunction leads to ?
A. Bile acid diarrhea
B. Fatty acid diarrhea
C. Chloride diarrhea
D. Protein diarrhea
26 Large ileal dysfunction leads to ?
A. Bile acid diarrhea
B. Fatty acid diarrhea
C. Carbohydrate diarrhea
D. Protein diarrhea
27 Reabsorption defect in enterohepatic circulation of bile acids is due to ?
A. Cirrhosis
B. Primary biliary cirrhosis
C. Jejunal diverticulosis
D. Crohn’s disease
28 Which of the following is not a feature of bile acid diarrhea ?
A. Normal bile acid pool size
B. None or mild steatorrhea
C. Responds to cholestyramine
D. Responds to low-fat diet
29 Which of the following is not a feature of fatty acid diarrhea ?
A. Reduced bile acid pool size
B. Steatorrhea
C. Responds to cholestyramine
D. Responds to low-fat diet