1 Hypernatremia is defined as a plasma sodium concentration more than ?
A. 135 mmol/L
B. 140 mmol/L
C. 145 mmol/L
D. 150 mmol/L
2 Which of the following about hypernatremia is false ?
A. State of iso-osmolality
B. Results in ICF volume contraction
C. Stimulates thirst
D. Excretion of minimum volume of maximally concentrated urine
3 Which of the following is not a secretory diarrhea ?
A. Cholera
B. Carcinoid
C. Lactulose induced
D. VIPoma
4 Which of the following about diabetes insipidus is false ?
A. CDI is characterized by impaired AVP secretion
B. NDI results from renal resistance to actions of AVP
C. Familial CDI is inherited as autosomal recessive
D. Familial CDI is due to mutation in propressophysin gene
5 Which of the following about nephrogenic diabetes insipidusis false ?
A. Congenital Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is X-linked recessive trait due to mutations in V2 receptor gene
B. Congenital Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) may be due to mutation in autosomal aquaporin-2 gene
C. Lithium, hypercalcemia & hyperkalemia cause sporadic NDI
D. Pregnant women, in II or III trimester, may develop NDI due to excessive vasopressinase from placenta
6 Major symptoms of hypernatremia are ?
A. Cardiac
B. Neurologic
C. Respiratory
D. All of the above
7 ‘Solute excretion rate’ is ?
A. Urine volume x Osmolality
B. Urine volume x Urine sodium
C. Urine volume x Urine potassium
D. Urine volume x Urine bicarbonate
8 After administering ‘desmopressin’, urine osmolality should increase by how much in CDI ?
A. At least 10 %
B. At least 25 %
C. At least 35 %
D. At least 50 %
9 After administering ‘desmopressin’, urine osmolality should increase by how much in NDI ?
A. At least 10%
B. At least 25%
C. At least 35%
D. None of the above
10 In hypernatremia due to water loss, water deficit should be corrected in which of the following ways ?
A. Rapidly
B. Over 12 to 24 hours
C. Over 24 to 36 hours
D. Slowly over at least 48 to 72 hours
11 Drugs that either stimulate AVP secretion or enhance its action on the kidney includes all except ?
A. Chlorpropamide
B. Clofibrate
C. Carbamazepine
D. Phenytoin
12 Which of the following drugs is useful in NDI patients who have to take lithium ?
A. Amiloride
B. Chlorpropamide
C. Clofibrate
D. Carbamazepine