1 Plasma sodium concentration falls by how much for every 100 mg/dL rise in plasma glucose concentration ?
A. 1.2 mmol / L
B. 1.4 mmol / L
C. 1.6 mmol / L
D. 1.8 mmol / L
2 Urine tonicity is calculated by ?
A. [Na+] + [K+] - [Cl-]
B. [Na+] x [K+]
C. [Na+] x [K+] ÷ [Cl-]
D. [Na+] + [K+]
3 ‘Diuretic-induced hyponatremia’ is almost always due to ?
A. Thiazide diuretics
B. Loop diuretics
C. Aldosterone antagonists
D. All of the above
4 ‘Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion’ (SIADH) causes ?
A. Normovolemic hyponatremia
B. Hypovolemic hyponatremia
C. Hypervolemic hyponatremia
D. Any of the above
5 Which of the following conditions can cause hyponatremia ?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Hyperthyroidism
C. Cushing’s disease
D. Pheochromocytoma
6 Renal excretory capacity is ?
A. 12 liter / day
B. 15 liter / day
C. 18 liter / day
D. 20 liter / day
7 ‘Osmotic diuresis’ is defined as a solute excretion rate of more than ?
A. ~ 250 mosmol/day
B. ~ 450 mosmol/day
C. ~ 550 mosmol/day
D. ~ 750 mosmol/day
8 Phenomenon of ‘hyponatremia’ in beer drinkers is called ?
A. Beer syndrome
B. Beer flush
C. Beer potomania
D. Beer psychosis
9 Stupor, seizures, and coma occur when plasma sodium concentration falls acutely below ?
A. 123 mmol/L
B. 122 mmol/L
C. 121 mmol/L
D. 120 mmol/L
10 The finding of urine sodium concentration >20 mmol/L in hypovolemic hyponatremia implies ?
A. Salt-wasting nephropathy
B. Diuretic therapy
C. Hypoaldosteronism
D. All of the above
11 Which of the following statements about SIADH is false ?
A. Hypoosmotic hyponatremia
B. Urine osmolality >100 mosmol/kg
C. Hypervolemia
D. Normal sodium balance
12 Which of the following statements about SIADH is false ?
A. Normal renal, adrenal, and thyroid function
B. Normal potassium and acid-base balance
C. Hypouricemia
D. None of the above
13 What percentage of increase in brain volume can be fatal ?
A. 2% to 4%
B. 4% to 6%
C. 6% to 8%
D. 8% to 10%
14 Physiologic functions of AVP include ?
A. Contraction of vascular smooth muscle
B. Stimulation of liver glycogenolysis
C. Regulation of corticotropin release
D. All of the above
15 Inappropriately elevated levels of AVP are found in ?
A. Congestive heart failure
B. Cirrhosis of liver
D. All of the above
16 Which of the following is a arginine-vasopressin-receptor subtype ?
A. V1a
B. V1b
C. V2
D. All of the above
17 Non-peptide vasopressin receptor antagonists are called ?
A. Captans
B. Vaptans
C. Naptans
D. Saptans
18 V(1A) receptors located in ?
A. Vascular smooth muscle cells & myocardium
B. Collecting tubules
C. Anterior pituitary
D. All of the above
19 V(2) receptors located in ?
A. Vascular smooth muscle cells & myocardium
B. Collecting tubules
C. Anterior pituitary
D. All of the above
20 V(1B) receptors located in ?
A. Vascular smooth muscle cells & myocardium
B. Collecting tubules
C. Anterior pituitary
D. All of the above
21 Which of the following is a selective V(1A) receptor antagonist ?
A. Mozavaptan
B. Tolvaptan
C. Relcovaptan
D. Lixivaptan
22 Which of the following is a V2-receptor antagonist ?
A. Mozavaptan
B. Satavaptan
C. Tolvaptan
D. All of the above
23 V2-receptor antagonists are contraindicated in which of the following conditions ?
A. Hypovolaemic hyponatraemia
B. Euvolaemic hyponatraemia
C. Hypervolaemic hyponatraemia
D. None of the above
24 Blood tonicity associated with hyponatremia is ?
A. Low
B. Normal
C. High
D. Any of the above
25 Which of the following about pseudohyponatremia is false ?
A. Iso-osmolar & isotonic hyponatremia
B. Severe hypertriglyceridemia or paraproteinemia
C. Increase in solid phase of plasma
D. None of the above
26 Sodium required to correct hyponatremia can be estimated by multiplying the deficit in plasma sodium concentration by ?
A. Weight
B. Height
C. Total body water
D. Urine output in liters
27 Quantity of sodium in 0.9% (normal, isotonic) saline is ?
A. 77 mEq/L
B. 154 mEq/L
C. 256 mEq/L
D. 513 mEq/L