Anemia and Polycythemia - part I
1 According to WHO, anemia is defined as as a hemoglobin level of ?
A. < 14 g/dL in men & < 13 g/dL in women
B. < 13 g/dL in men & < 12 g/dL in women
C. < 12 g/dL in men & < 11 g/dL in women
D. < 11 g/dL in men & < 10 g/dL in women
2 Hematopoietic stem cell produce which of the following ?
A. Red cells
B. All classes of granulocytes
C. Cells of the immune system
D. All of the above
3 In the absence of erythropoietin (EPO), committed erythroid progenitor cells undergo ?
A. Stunted growth
B. Halting of growth
C. Programmed cell death (apoptosis)
D. Change to other series of hematopoietic cell
4 How many mature red cells are produced from a pronormoblast ?
A. 1 to 16
B. 16 to 32
C. 32 to 48
D. 48 to 64
5 Regulation of EPO production is linked to ?
A. O2
B. CO2
C. Red cell mass
D. Hemoglobin concentration
6 Which of the following about mature red cell is false ?
A. Diameter is 8 μm
B. Anucleate
C. Discoid in shape
D. None of the above
7 What percentage of all circulating RBC’s is replaced daily ?
A. 0.2 to 0.4 %
B. 0.4 to 0.6 %
C. 0.6 to 0.8 %
D. 0.8 to 1%
8 Term “erythron” best relates to ?
A. Erythroid / megakaryocyte progenitor
B. Red cell destruction
C. Organ responsible for red cell production
D. Red blood cell mass
9 Erythropoietin is a ?
A. Peptide hormone
B. Glycoprotein hormone
C. Steroid hormone
D. None of the above
10 Erythropoietin is produced and released by ?
A. Glomerular capillaries
B. Proximal tubular cells
C. Peritubular capillary lining cells of kidney
D. All of the above
11 Erythropoietin is also produced by ?
A. Pancreas
B. Spleen
C. Hepatocytes
D. Al of the above
12 Key to EPO gene regulation is ?
A. (HIF)-1
B. (EIF)-1
C. (RIF)-1
D. (GIF)-1
13 EPO production is increased in ?
A. Anemia
B. Hypoxemia
C. Renal artery stenosis
D. All of the above
14 Normal level of Plasma EPO is ?
A. 10 to 25 U/L
B. 25 to 50 U/L
C. 50 to 75 U/L
D. 75 to 100 U/L
15 Plasma EPO levels increase when hemoglobin falls below ?
A. 10 to 12 g/dL
B. 8 to 10 g/dL
C. 6 to 8 g/dL
D. 4 to 6 g/dL
16 In circulation, EPO has a half-clearance time of ?
A. 1 to 3 hours
B. 3 to 6 hours
C. 6 to 9 hours
D. 9 to 12 hours
17 The mean hematocrit value for adult males is ?
A. 42 %
B. 45 %
C. 47 %
D. 49 %
18 Anemia is most often recognized by ?
A. Attendant symptoms
B. Attendant signs
C. Abnormal screening laboratory tests
D. All of the above
19 O2–hemoglobin dissociation curve relates to which of the following ?
A. Claude effect
B. Bohr effect
C. Charles effect
D. Bennet effect
20 Signs of vascular instability appear with acute blood loss of ?
A. 5 to 10 % of total blood volume
B. 10 to 15 % of total blood volume
C. 15 to 20 % of total blood volume
D. 20 to 25% of total blood volume
21 Hypovolemic shock results if volume of blood lost is ?
A. > 25 %
B. > 30 %
C. > 35 %
D. > 40 %
22 Intravascular hemolysis with release of free hemoglobin may be associated with ?
A. Acute back pain
B. Acute pain in lower limbs
C. Acute pain in upper limbs
D. Acute headache
23 Which of the following may be associated with autoimmune hemolysis ?
A. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
B. Infection
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. All of the above
24 If palmar creases are lighter in color than surrounding skin, hemoglobin level is usually ?
A. < 10 g/dL
B. < 8 g/dL
C. < 6 g/dL
D. < 4 g/dL
25 Femtoliters is the unit of expression of which of the following ?
A. Mean cell volume (MCV)
B. Mean cell hemoglobin (MCH)
C. Mean concentration of Hb per volume of RBCs (MCHC)
D. None of the above
26 Which of the following reflects iron supply ?
A. Serum iron
B. Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
C. Serum ferritin
D. All of the above
27 Which of the following formula estimates MCV ?
A. (Hematocrit x 10) / (red cell count x 106)
B. (Hemoglobin x 10) / (red cell count x 106)
C. (Hemoglobin x 10) / hematocrit
D. (Hematocrit x 10) / hemoglobin
28 Anisocytosis is related to which feature of RBC ?
A. Size
B. Shape
C. Number
D. Colour
29 Poikilocytosis is related to which feature of RBC ?
A. Size
B. Shape
C. Number
D. Colour
30 RDW correlates with ?
A. Anisocytosis
B. Poikilocytosis
C. Polychromasia
D. All of the above