Anemia and Polycythemia - part II
31 Upon staining with supravital dye, reticulocytes are identifiedby what colour of punctate spots ?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Green
D. Yellow
32 Reliable estimate of red cell production is provided by ?
A. EPO levels
B. Reticulocyte count
D. Polychromasia
33 “Shift” cells refer to ?
A. Older RBC’s
B. Prematurely released reticulocytes
C. Normoblasts
D. Any of the above
34 Erythroid cells take about how many days to mature ?
A. 2.5
B. 3.5
C. 4.5
D. 5.5
35 Absolute reticulocyte count is calculated by ?
A. Reticulocyte count x (Hemoglobin ÷ expected hemoglobin)
B. Reticulocyte count x (Hemoglobin + Hematocrit)
C. Reticulocyte count x (Hemoglobin x Hematocrit)
D. Reticulocyte count / (Hemoglobin + Hematocrit)
36 Which of the following about macrocytes is false ?
A. Red cells are larger than a small lymphocyte
B. Well hemoglobinized red cells
C. Often oval shaped
D. None of the above
37 Howell-Jolly bodies best relate to which of the following ?
A. Uremia
B. Nuclear remnants
C. Foreign bodies in the circulation
D. All of the above
38 Teardrop-shaped red cells best relates to ?
A. Uremia
B. Myelofibrosis
C. Thalassemia
D. Liver disease
39 Target red cells best relates to ?
A. Uremia
B. Myelofibrosis
C. Thalassemia
D. Acute hemolysis
40 Target cells are seen in ?
A. Liver disease
B. Thalassemia
C. Hemoglobin C disease
D. All of the above
41 Thermal injury may produce which of the following ?
A. Target cells
B. Burr cells
C. Howell-Jolly bodies
D. Red cell fragmentation
42 Burr cells are also called ?
A. Echinocytes
B. Acanthocytes
C. Elliptocytes
D. Spherocytes
43 Echinocytes are found in patients with ?
A. Severe uremia
B. Glycolytic red cell enzyme defects
C. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
D. All of the above
44 Acanthocytes are present in which of the following conditions ?
A. Severe liver disease
B. Abetalipoproteinemia
C. Patients with McLeod blood group
D. All of the above
45 The normal serum iron range is ?
A. 10 to 50 μg / dL
B. 50 to 150 μg / dL
C. 150 to 250 μg / dL
D. 250 to 450 μg / dL
46 The normal serum TIBC range is ?
A. 100 to 150 μg / dL
B. 150 to 300 μg / dL
C. 300 to 360 μg / dL
D. 350 to 450 μg / dL
47 Percent transferrin saturation is calculated by ?
A. (TIBC x 100) ÷ Serum iron
B. (Serum iron + TIBC) ÷ 100
C. (Serum iron x 100) ÷ TIBC
D. (Serum iron ÷ TIBC) x 100
48 Adult males have average serum ferritin levels of about ?
A. 10 μg / L
B. 50 μg / L
C. 100 μg / L
D. 200 μg / L
49 Adult females have average serum ferritin levels of about ?
A. 10 μg / L
B. 30 μg / L
C. 60 μg / L
D. 90 μg / L
50 Ferritin is also an ?
A. Enzyme
B. Cytokine
C. Chemokine
D. Acute-phase reactant
51 Erythroblasts containing what are called sideroblasts ?
A. Hemosiderin
B. Ferritin
C. Residual RNA
D. All of the above
52 Hemolysis is most likely cause if reticulocyte production index is more than ?
A. 2.5
B. 3.5
C. 4.5
D. 5.5
53 Which of the following anemias is most frequent ?
A. Hypoproliferative
B. Maturation Disorders
C. Hemoglobinopathies
D. Hemolytic
54 A hypoproliferative anemia can result from ?
A. Marrow damage
B. Iron deficiency
C. Inadequate EPO stimulation
D. All of the above
55 Which of the following is the iron regulatory hormone ?
A. Erythropoietin
B. Transferrin
C. Hepcidin
D. All of the above
56 Nuclear maturation defects of RBC’s result from all except ?
A. Vitamin B12 deficiency
B. Folic acid deficiency
C. Iron deficiency
D. Methotrexate therapy
57 Cytoplasmic maturation defects of RBC’s result from ?
A. Severe iron deficiency
B. Abnormalities in heme synthesis
C. Abnormalities in globin synthesis
D. Any of the above
58 Increased red cell mass is present when hematocrit in men is ?
A. > 45 %
B. > 50 %
C. > 55 %
D. > 60 %
59 Gaisbock’s syndrome relates to ?
A. Spurious polycythemia
B. High altitude polycythemia
C. Ectopic EPO production
D. Familial polycythemia
60 EPO-producing neoplasms include ?
A. Hepatoma
B. Uterine leiomyoma
C. Cerebellar hemangiomas
D. All of the above