Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities
1 Normal combined kidney volume is about ?
A. 100 to 150 cm3
B. 150 to 200 cm3
C. 200 to 300 cm3
D. 250 to 400 cm3
2 Which of the following organs has the maximum blood flow per gram ?
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Liver
D. Kidney
3 Value of creatinine clearance is expressed in ?
A. mL / minute
B. mL / hour
C. mL / day
D. mL / kg / minute
4 In general, patients do not develop symptomatic uremia until GFR is ?
A. < 15 mL / minute
B. < 45 mL / minute
C. < 60 mL / minute
D. < 90 mL / minute
5 Cystatin C estimation is a renal function equivalent of ?
A. Urea
B. Creatinine
C. Ammonium
D. Inulin
6 Which of the following is false about Cystatin C ?
A. Member of cysteine protease inhibitors
B. Produced from all nucleated cells
C. Production not affected by diet or nutritional status
D. None of the above
7 For calculating GFR by Cockcroft-Gault formula, the value is multiplied by what factor for women ?
A. 0.55
B. 0.65
C. 0.75
D. 0.85
8 Which of the following is not used to estimate GFR ?
A. Insulin clearance
B. MDRD (modification of diet in renal disease)
C. Cockcroft-Gault formula
D. 125I-iothalamate
9 There occurs a steep decline in GFR when mean arterial pressure falls below ?
A. 80 mm Hg
B. 90 mm Hg
C. 100 mm Hg
D. 110 mm Hg
10 The BUN / PCr ratio in prerenal azotemia is ?
A. > 5 : 1
B. > 10 : 1
C. > 15 : 1
D. > 20 : 1
11 Which of the following is false in prerenal azotemia ?
A. Urine sodium (UNa) <20 meq/L
B. Urine osmolality >500 mosmol/L H2O
C. Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) >2%
D. Urine/plasma creatinine (UCr/PCr) >40
12 Which of the following formula is correct to calculate fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) ?
A. UNa + Ucr x 100 ÷ (PNa + Pcr)
B. UNa x Pcr x 100 ÷ (PNa x Ucr)
C. UNa x Pcr x 100 - (PNa x Ucr)
D. UNa x Pcr x 100 + (PNa x Ucr)
13 Evidence of which of the following is present in ATN ?
A. Structural collecting duct injury
B. Structural glomerular injury
C. Structural tubule injury
D. All of the above
14 Renal blood flow constitutes what percentage of cardiac output?
A. 5 %
B. 10 %
C. 15 %
D. 25 %
15 Stigmata of atheroemboli is ?
A. Livedo reticularis
B. Distal peripheral infarcts
C. Eosinophilia
D. All of the above
16 Which of the following statements is false ?
A. Renal artery thrombosis leads to mild proteinuria & hematuria
B. Renal vein thrombosis leads to heavy proteinuria & hematuria
C. Eosinophils in urine suggest atheroembolic renal disease
D. None of the above
17 Oliguria refers to a 24-hour urine output of ?
A. < 200 mL
B. < 300 mL
C. < 400 mL
D. < 500 mL
18 Anuria refers to a 24-hour urine output of ?
A. < 300 mL
B. < 200 mL
C. < 100 mL
D. < 50 mL
19 Urine output of > 400 mL/day in acute or chronic azotemia iscalled ?
A. False anuria
B. Nonanuria
C. Nonoliguria
D. False azotemia
20 Which of the following is false about dipstick measurement of proteinuria ?
A. False-positive when urine pH is > 7.0
B. False-positive when urine is very concentrated
C. False-positive when urine is contaminated with blood
D. None of the above
21 Proteins of what size are freely filtered by the kidneys ?
A. < 20 kDa
B. < 30 kDa
C. < 40 kDa
D. < 50 kDa
22 Normal individuals excrete what amount of total protein inurine ?
A. < 150 mg / day
B. < 200 mg / day
C. < 250 mg / day
D. < 300 mg / day
23 Normal individuals excrete what amount of albumin in urine ?
A. < 30 mg / day
B. < 100 mg / day
C. < 200 mg / day
D. < 300 mg / day
24 Which of the following is secreted by renal tubules ?
A. Tamm-Horsfall protein
B. IgA
C. Urokinase
D. All of the above
25 Which of the following is not secreted by renal tubules ?
A. Tamm-Horsfall protein
B. IgA
C. Urokinase
D. Beta2-microglobulin